Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dr. Michael Salla contradictory statements.

Dear people, take a look at this post of Emily in P4C. She teaches us many things, one of them is that LIMITS are only in the mind of people who don't understand the Internet.
Everything has to do with everything, but more important, in Emily's message we read: "Government Secrecy is one of our worst analytical problems, as Dr.
Salla testifies in his monographs. That implies a measure of COMPLICITY between Governments and the ETs that are hovering over our
heads, which we have no knowledge of, officially."

This shows us that the new "all aliens are good" ideological shift of Dr Michael Salla denies what he, himself said. Secret pacts between aliens and Gov. has a name and Emily uses the right word: COMPLICITY. (read Salla's papers)
Yes, Emily, we understand why your are "exhausted and furious from the dysinfo, the lies, the
subterfuge, the fabrications, rationalization and dirth of FACTUAL
DATA with which to make assessments and predictions."

Emily's full post in P4C

off-topic posts disrupt the flow of the subject matter in which we
ostensibly are all interested.

Crystals belong in the New Age section of your local Yahoo groups.

Water quality topics, go under Water Quality Groups.

Meditative Practices go under "Meditation."

Concerns about abductions, their numbers, severity and outcomes
belongs HERE.

Concerns about the Secrecy that makes those statistics hard to find
belongs HERE.

Government Secrecy is one of our worst analytical problems, as Dr.
Salla testifies in his monographs. That implies a measure of
COMPLICITY between Governments and the ETs that are hovering over our
heads, which we have no knowledge of, officially.

Frankly, I'm exhausted and furious from the dysinfo, the lies, the
subterfuge, the fabrications, rationalization and dirth of FACTUAL
DATA with which to make assessments and predictions.



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