Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Truth about Dr. Salla's Solar Initiation

Dr. Salla invites us ( $) to receive a new Solar Initiation in Titicaca, Bolivia.
This is not the first time, so, there is a previous experience, and Dr. Salla writes for us about the contactee, Luis Fernando Mostojo Maertens. Let us read what Salla thinks after the first experience: I will underline some words and paragraphs. See below please.

From Oct 18-25, 2008, I traveled to Bolivia to participate in a seven day retreat led by Luis Fernando Mostajo that was located at Lake Titicaca , Bolivia . Fernando claims to have physically met with representatives of both the Confederation of Planets and with ‘Elders’ or ‘Ascended Masters’ associated with an ancient Pre-Incan civilization in the Andes . In his taped presentation at the 2008 Earth Transformation Conference in Hawaii , Fernando described his physical encounters with members from both of these groups. According to Luis Fernando, the Confederation of Planets has bases on both Venus and Ganymede, one of the moons of Jupiter. He says he was taken to both locations by a teleportation device and exposed to the teachings of advanced ethical extraterrestrial visitors. In both cases the extraterrestrials looked like Nordic humans.

Luis Fernando says that during one of his encounters he was told by the extraterrestrials of the existence of a retreat run by ‘Elders’ at Lake Titicaca . The Elders were from the pre-Incan ‘ Tiahuanaco civilization’, and were also the final remnants of the even older Atlantean civilization. The Elders were also part of a Great Solar Brotherhood that was an association of ‘Ascended Masters’ – or beings that had achieved a high degree of self-mastery over life and death - throughout the Galaxy. Fernando says that he subsequently physically met with ‘Soromez’ an ‘Elder’ or “Ascended Master” from Tihuanaco who had also lived much earlier in Atlantis.

Luis Fernando was taken to an underwater location at Lake Titicaca where he witnessed a well preserved remnant of the Tiahuanaco civilization that served as an initiation center. Tiahuanaco once pervaded the Bolivia region of the Andes and was a Solar culture that was, according to Fernando, aided by extraterrestrial civilizations. In his 2008 Hawaii presentation, Luis Fernando showed simulations of the solar rituals and practices that used solar energies in numerous ways. He described that underwater remnant of Tiahuanaco at Lake Titicaca (in the Bolivian ‘minor’ part of the Lake ) as an Eternal city holding much sacred wisdom that would share this as humanity became ready.

During the seminar, I and other participants were taken to a number of locations around Lake Titicaca, the Andes, and the archeological remains of the Tiahuanaco civilization near La Paz , Bolivia . We were all excited by the remnants of the Tiahuanaco civilization which available evidence clearly pointed to being an important pre-Incan Solar culture. The elongated human skulls in the museum pointed to an extraterrestrial influence insofar as their physiology appeared to have been emulated by the inhabitants of Tiahuanaco .

A number of important ceremonies and rituals involving the sun were evidenced in the ruins, and displayed a remarkable knowledge of astronomy and solar alignments. Furthermore, there was a very sophisticated irrigation system and other technological artifacts that were possibly influenced by extraterrestrials as Luis Fernando contends. The Tiahuanaco civilization according to a number of Bolivian archeologists predates the Sumerian civilization. Only 10% of Tiahuanaco has been excavated so far and further excavations may lead to a radical rewriting of human civilization.

The most remarkable part of the seminar was the retreat established by Fernando on the shore of Lake Titicaca called WiƱayamarka [near Huarina, located on the ‘minor’ part of the Lake , see map below]. At WiƱayamarka he led a number of exercizes and initiations at specially constructed monolithic structures and temple. Participants were able to energetically integrate into the remarkable energies in this spectacular and remote Andean location. During the evening skywatching event, a number of UFOs were sighted. One in particular flared up in spectacular fashion, and another held for several minutes an almost stationary position where it appeared to blink energy which a number of seminar participants felt.

The highlight of the retreat was a boat trip on Lake Titicaca where the retreat group was taken to an uninhabited island which according to Fernando is the closest physical point to both the Lake Titicaca Lodge of the Great White Brotherhood and a Galactic Confederation Base. The proximity of the bases belonging to the Ascended Masters and the Galactic Confederation are due to their close cooperation. At the Island , a number of exercizes were conduced which allowed visitors to energetically connect with the ascended masters at the Great White Brotherhood Lodge.

Luis Fernando has assembled an impressive collection of photographs and witness testimonies supporting his claims of physical contact with Ascended Masters and extraterrestrials belonging to a Confederation of Planets. Some of this can be found on his website at: www.winaymarka. org . The seminar and initiations I experienced with Luis Fernando, and the interviews with his assistants, give me confidence in his claims. I look forward to further journies to Bolivia where I can further investigate his remarkable experiences.

What follows is an interview with Luis Fernando based on a series of questions I asked Fernando during my visit to Bolivia and his responses concerning his contacts and knowledge of Ascended Masters and the Confederation of Planets. His responses were translated from Spanish. For his original Spanish response click here. He has also added some comments about further planned retreats in 2009.

Michael E. Salla, M.A. Ph.D.
President & Founder, Exopolitics Institute
Co-Founder, GalacticDiplomacy. com
December 3, 2008


The truth is that after that first experience of the Fernado's show, Dr. Salla remains cautious. He uses the words " claims","contends","according to", "says", etc.
Reading the whole text we learn that the travellers saw RUINS, a dead world, and some magical manipulations. The show performed by the contactee Luis Fernado .
Mostojo Maertens.
Caveat Emptor...buyers beware.
If you are doing tourism and want to see wonderful ruins, just go to Bolivia. However do not expect to much from the Solar Initiation and the whole native-blavatskian rhetoric. Even Dr. Salla doesn't look very convinced concerning the contactee science fiction with a touch of James Jones...
Gimme a break..!


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