Monday, November 8, 2010


The whole world is Cabal?

ALL those who express any doubt, ask questions or demand proofs, are condemned as Cabals.
This is the well known fallacy called ad hominem: Latin for "to the man."

An arguer who uses this fallacy, attacks the person instead of the argument.
Whenever an arguer cannot defend his position with evidence, facts or reason, he may resort to attacking the opponent with offensive remarks and anger, calling him CABAL and agent of darkness.

In fact, the insults keep the questions unanswered, and conceal the total lack of evidences.
Ufology, Exopolitics, Conspiracies, Paranoia, Memes, Hoaxes, 2012, UFO, Aliens, Disinformation, Cultism, Brainwashing, Rational Thinking, ET, Xenopolitics, Contactees, Abductions, Disclosure.
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